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In fluid mechanics, according to the behaviour and laws followed by them Fluids are classified into the following types:
  • Ideal fluid,
  • Real fluid,
  • Newtonian fluid,
  • Non-Newtonian fluid,
  • Ideal plastic fluid.
1] Ideal fluid- A fluid, which is incompressible and having no viscosity, is known as an ideal fluid. Ideal fluid is only an imaginary fluid as all the fluids, which exist, have some viscosity.

2] Real fluid- A fluid, which possesses viscosity, is known as real fluid. All the fluids in actual practice, are real fluids.

3] Newtonian fluid- A real fluid, in which the shear stress is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain{or velocity gradient}, is known as a Newtonian fluid.

4] Non-Newtonian fluid- A real fluid, in which the shear stress is not proportional to the rate of shear strain{velocity gradient, known as a Non-Newtonian fluid.

5] Ideal plastic fluid- A fluid in which shear stress is more than the yield value and shear stress is proportional to the rate of shear strain{or velocity gradient}, is known as ideal plastic fluid.

Types of fluids

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